March 27, 2002

Dino on level 9

Hey there, last time I saw Dino was on level nine rewiring one of the Ovens. He was inside it at the time so I didn't get a chance to say hi. By the way I thought we needed Orange for Oven clearance? Isn't Dino a Blue?...

Posted by Dr. Sammy at 03:44 PM

March 26, 2002

This is my first entry here, hi everyone! Anyway, I just wanted to leave a quick note to tell you that the Walk-In Oven project has been discontinued.

Posted by Dr. Phenkin at 12:12 PM

March 25, 2002

Thanks Maggie. That sounds like Larry-- he's new around here, sorry about that. Anyway, keep your eyes and ears open for Dino. It's got to surface somewhere pretty soon.

Posted by Bertram at 02:21 PM

Bertram, I dunno what the 'Dino' project is but when I got in this morning there was a helluva mess up here in Subterra#6. Security has it closed off now, I dunno what happened... there was cake(?) everywhere

Posted by Maggie Q at 01:54 PM

Hey, anyone seen where Dino is? We lost it last night and we think it probably climbed from the Subterra#1 to Subterra#2. Anyone up in 2 seen Dino? Please let us know ASAP!

Posted by Bertram at 10:30 AM

March 22, 2002

Scratchy's Face

Okay gang, here's a little update. The surgeons are saying that there is no way in hell that anyone will recognize Scratchy when he's released from hospital. That acid-tar stuff apparently went through his skin like shit through a goose. So 'sensitivity' is going to be of the utmost importance. And, while we're on the topic, let's try and clean things up around the lab. Apparently Lance may or may not have had a similar 'accident' with the soap. C'mon people, let's stay focused.

Thank you.

Posted by Jester at 04:12 PM

March 21, 2002


Sorry gang. I totally screwed up-- God, I'm such a freakin' jackass. I accidentally switched the salycilic acid with that hybrid acid-tar combo Heime was working on. Anyway Scratchy used it to wash his hands and face late last night when we were rapping up at the lab and now he's fucked up. He's in the Emergency ward and no one knows what's wrong with him. Although they did tell me there's no way any of us will recognize him ever again.

Sorry gang. Won't let it happen again. Too little sleep...


Posted by Jester at 03:03 PM
Lance is sick

Lance has been taken ill with a strange type of brain virus, transmitted we think through the soap, or perhaps the towels in the detox rooms. We'll look into it further...

Posted by Bud at 01:28 PM

March 20, 2002

Journal Incentive Program

Dex is very disappointed with the research journal so far. To encourage posting here, we've set up the Journal Incentive Program. Frequent and high-quality posters will be rewarded with some of our very own output here at the lab. This could mean free CLeanSpiders, it could mean a ChefBot, it could mean a Fantasy Brain Wife... but then again it could just mean a brain virus, we don't really know. Nonetheless... post here frequently, and you will be rewarded.

Posted by Spud at 09:06 PM