02/03/22: For Immediate Release

From the Witchcraft Division


The Witchcraft Department is currently lobbying to host a post-Oscars luncheon

SANTA MONICA, CA – January 23, 2002 Witchcraft Department head Cipro is in negotiations with the Beverly-Wilshire Hotel and the President of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences to host a post-Oscars luncheon. The Witchcraft Department aims to use this event as a launching pad for SANDWICH’s “Say Hello To Entertainment” campaign. In accordance with last year’s annual Department Head conference in Maui, Cipro is implementing a strategy that will see, according to him, “Hollywood become the first of the entertainment industries to be successfully puppeteered by SANDWICH.”

Already nicknamed by the press as “Hollywood’s Newest Bad boy”, Cipro has initiated an intense infiltration into Hollywood’s upper echelons of power. Cipro is currently developing four major projects with Fox and Paramount. Sherry Lansing was quoted as saying, “There’s a new player in town…and everyone wants a piece”. Cipro has been invited to join Robert Evans’ exclusive tennis club which also boasts Tom Hanks and Joseph Beard as members. Cipro is also planning a vacation with Mickey Rourke, Vance Eight and Michael Bay next fall. The Witchcraft Department is currently setting up an L.A. office.

S.A.N.D.W.I.C.H., the Special Association for Narcotics, Deception, Witchcraft, Infanticide, Coercion and Hatred, is a multinational corporation devoted to excellence in every field it enters.

For further information about the contents of this press release or about S.A.N.D.W.I.C.H. in general, please contact Lucy Fairfax (lucy@skitfaced.com).