The International Universe

Skitfaced Home





The Paranormal


June 5, 2002 02:21 PM

Thadius Paloma Jr., heir to an estimated 2 billion dollars and son of famed industrialist Thadius Paloma Sr., was seen in some kind of spacecraft flying around.

Late last year Thad Paloma Jr. suffered a violent cardiac arrest at the age of 27. He reportedly collapsed while jogging, an activity he was quoted as saying ‘is for the poor and the stupid’. After quadruple bi-pass surgery and six months of advanced rehabilitation in Switzerland, Thad Paloma returned to his penthouse apartment and glamorous lifestyle of, according to him, “watching TV and gambling on dogs”.

The International Universe was contacted by Clairence Palmero, a middle aged accountant, who claims he saw Thad Paloma flying around the night air in a spacecraft of some sort. Clairence Palmero continued to volunteer information. He told the International Universe that Thad was plotting with aliens to destroy the earth. Clairence Palmero continued by suggesting that Thad Paloma may even be an alien and should be arrested for dealing drugs and gambling illegally. Clairence Palmero was then quoted as saying "I just hate him so much that I want him to go away. He is no good.”
