Wayne-John Samoth
b. Pennis Samoth. Surrey, B.C.
Wayne-John (or Wayjo, as close friends call him), is an outdoorsman in the truest sense of the word. After a tragic hunting accident which saw Wayne-John shoot his brother Pennis II in the face, Wayne-John vowed never to drink spirits again. He promptly moved to the Los Angeles area and began acting professionally. His rugged style landed him guest spots on such short-lived series as Precinct 911 and The Vigilante Way. He says being cast as trigger-happy detective Keith Van Dutcher "saved his life", and calls Daniel Dance his new brother.

Daniel Dance
b. Moe Tannenbaum. Paris, France.
Daniel is a classically trained performer who received a combined masters degree in music, acting and dance from a prestigious eastern university. He finds many similarities between himself and his on-screen character, the tough and narrow-minded police detective Ron Polski. "We both like a good cheeseburger." says Daniel. Daniel spends his free time listening to music he has composed, playing handball, dancing, and reading the dozens of fan letters he has received. He plans to record a demo of his songs in the near future.
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