skitfaced media group

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All new porn-hole!

Are you a smut enthusiast? Yes. If you like pornography, you'll love PORNOGRAFACED. Now 12% vulgarer!

new to watch

Porno Dad

Porno Dad is a new TV sit-com under development by Skitfaced. Watch the preview!

Marijuana House

Marijuana House is a new reality series under development by Skitfaced. Watch the promo!

new sponsors

Four Hats Casino®

Skitfaced welcomes new sponsor Four Hats Casino®. You've always got One Last Chance®. Watch the ad!


Who is Skitfaced?
Who isn't Skitfaced?

Skitfaced provides the most imaginative, believable and thrilling entertainment ideas in the cosmos. That's because we think entertainment is the most meaningful thing mankind can make. And that's why we are constantly growing and changing, buying smaller, less believable companies and broadening our reach. Our multi-plural-media® approach to brand enhancement and entertainment has become our corporate signature and we continue to look for newer and more effective ways to bring our entertainment into your homes, lives, brains and spirits. Hope you believe in it as much as we do!


In 1968 billionaire entrepreneur Howard Face founded Face Records, a hip record label that signed some of the grooviest musicians of the time. The most influential artist signed to Face Records was the progressive rock band Skitso Merman. In 1974 the band's frontman Legion Skitso lost his life to tragedy. Within 6 months, Face Records' name and corporate structure changed drastically. Howard Face purchased the Oakland-based S.Kit-Car Company in 1975; later that year he acquired an up and coming Ohio-based honey company called D's Sweet Honey. Once the corporate triumvirate was formed, Face changed the legal name of Face Records to S.KitfaceD Records. The 'records' portion of the name was soon dropped in favour of S.KitfaceD Television which soon became Skitfaced Television & Music which then, briefly, became The Skitfaced Media Group. Soon after, the company finalized its legal name as simply, Skitfaced. Since 1975 Skitfaced has purchased 174 smaller companies, each one with a specific strength designed to enhance Skitfaced's ability to provide the most believable entertainment possible. The most recent purchase was internet website, which gives Skitfaced a strong web presence, both for Skitfaced entertainment properties and for Skitfaced corporate partners.

Skitfaced is a privately owned company.

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dvd: best of the web

Bug this guy to get your copy of the Skitfaced "Best of the Web" DVD.

Learn more about Skitfaced by viewing this informative video.


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